Umber Berserkers

The more they fight, the stronger they get.

<p>Some men just relish confrontation. They long to jump into the fray, scrapping with an enemy, seeing them beaten to a pulp. As the battle rages on, they get more and more into a frenzy. Wounds seem to not matter and actually drive their bloodlust further. That&rsquo;s the case with the Umber Berserkers. Once battle is met, it only ends when either they or their enemy are no longer moving.</p> <p>The <em>Umber Berserkers Unit Box</em> for the <em>A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game</em> gives Stark Commanders a new unit to add to their ranks. Melee specialists, they&rsquo;re one of the few units in the game that gain attack dice as they take casualties. And enemies certainly don&rsquo;t want to be hit, as the unit&rsquo;s Sundering ability means Defense Saves are harder to pass. Adding in the Umber Champion only increases their effectiveness in combat.</p>

Umber Berserkers