Bolton Blackguards

House Bolton Employs the Most Vicious Fighters in Westeros

<p>House Bolton&rsquo;s reputation makes you either run in terror or calls you to celebrate their wanton violence and slaughter. <em>The Bolton Blackguards</em> universally fall into the latter type of person. Some of the most heavily-armored units fielded in Westeros, their heavy two-handed flails make enemy shields all but useless. Their reputation alone can cause enemies to break and run before the battle has begun.</p> <p><em>The Bolton Blackguards</em> unit box gives commanders a terrifying new unit to employ on the battlefield. Heavily armored, the Blackguards&rsquo; reputation and looks alone will cause enemies to make a Panic Test whenever they want to attack them in melee. Adding a Bolton Flayer unit attachment to the unit only increases their effectiveness, as they&rsquo;ll restore Wounds each time an enemy fails a Panic Test while engaged with them.</p>

Bolton Blackguards