Blood Rage Digital

Secure Your Place In Valhalla

<p><strong>Ragnar&ouml;k is coming!</strong> The sky is falling and the end is upon you&hellip;</p> <p>In Blood Rage, the digital adaptation of the <strong>hit strategy board game</strong>, you lead a <strong>proud Viking clan</strong> in their final <strong>fight for glory</strong> and the right of <strong>passage to Valhalla</strong> before the world finally comes to its fiery conclusion.</p> <p>Take command of your warriors, pillage villages, make good use of gifts from the gods and conquer your place with Odin in Valhalla.</p> <p><strong>Life is fleeting, but glory is eternal. Now is the time for rage!</strong><br /><br /><br /></p>

Blood Rage Digital