Teen Titans Go! Mayhem

Finishing Tasks Is a Bit More Extreme When You’re A Superhero

<p>The Teen Titans have a lot to do during the day. Monitor the city and stop any crime that&rsquo;s happening. Keep tabs on supervillains. Iron their capes. Get the high score in the latest videogame. To get everything done, the Titans have split into two teams. Even though it didn&rsquo;t start as a contest to see who could get everything done first, the gauntlet has been thrown down and if it means a little playful combat, so be it.</p> <p><em>Teen Titans GO! Mayhem</em> puts players in the role of the Titans as they go around the city trying to complete missions and gain VPs. Of course, completing the missions isn&rsquo;t the only one way to gain VPs. They can also KO one-another to speed up their victory! Roll the Mayhem die and see just how much damage can be done in this winner-take-all contest.</p>

Teen Titans Go! Mayhem