
Are You (Stark Raving) Mad, Bro?

<p>It&rsquo;s Cthulhu. I mean, you can&rsquo;t have a game without Cthulhu, right? Of course there&rsquo;s a Cthulhu expansion for Munchkin Dungeon. We wouldn&rsquo;t be doing our due diligence if we didn&rsquo;t have a Cthulhu expansion. And going a little mad never hurt anyone, right?</p> <p>The Cthulhu expansion for <em>Munchkin Dungeon</em> will cause everyone to go a little bit mad. The set includes new Threats, new Rooms and Room Monsters, and the big cheese himself, Cthulhu. This new boss will test everyone&rsquo;s nerves. The set also introduces Madness tokens. Players gain Madness for entering special rooms in the Dungeon. Going a little mad might not be so bad, as some of the symptoms are beneficial. But get too much, and you might leave the dungeon escorted by men in white coats.</p>
