Gears & Guns

Steam is the Way of the Future for the Wild West

<p>The world is experiencing a time of rapid mechanical revolution. Steam power is changing the way people do things. The steam locomotive is connecting distant locations in ways never dreamed imaginable. There&rsquo;s seemingly no limit to what steam can&rsquo;t accomplish, including ridding the West of the undead menace!</p> <p>The <em>Gears &amp; Guns</em> expansion for <em>Zombicide: Undead or Alive</em> brings the game into the Steam Age. The set includes a new class of Survivor, the Engineer. Their affinity for all things mechanical means they can push them beyond their limits, or reuse items once thought spent. The set also includes plenty of new gear for them to tinker with. There&rsquo;s also a new campaign system, complete with story-driven scenarios, that will see the extent to which steam can save the Wild West.</p>

Gears & Guns